
Send Money Any Where Quickly To Your Dearest One [Working in India Also] via Google Wallet

Hello Friends,

As you all know that Google had already announced Google wallet in which we can send money to any person paying via debit card or credit card. but now google has also launched it in India in which we can send money easily to other friend via online web or mobile app. 

All you need is a Gmail Account through which you can register yourself into google wallet. [Registration form appears something like this as shown below]

Just fill out the registration form and add your credit card or debit card. And then, done! Just click on send money input your details and send money. 

for More info visit http://wallet.google.com

Kindly share this info and help your friend to transfer money easily.

Thanks for subscribing stay connected for more tips and tricks.

Highest Free Recharge Site with free calls and 460 Character SMS

Hello, This is exciting site that provides free calls of 4 minutes to anywhere in India. It also provides you free 460 character SMS. 

Site also provides highest Free Recharge Feature in which: 

1. You will get 2 paisa for each sms you send
2. You will get 3 paisa for each quiz you attempt 
3. You will get 3 paisa for each True false question you attempt 
4. You will get 1 paisa for each poll you attempt 
5. You may earn upto Rs 5 for each refferal minimum Rs.1 

How To:

1. Visit here www.fcall.in
2. Register with new account.
3. You will get four digit password by sms to your mobile 

Additional Feature : 

Mobile Tracking 
Ip tracking 
DND check without CAPTCHA
Great thing about fcall.in: 
Crystal clear voice 
No waiting in queue 
4 minutes of call

BITCOIN TYCOON | How I Made $6500+ in Bitcoin | 100% Unsaturable

Hello guys,

This is a new professional leak that will never be saturated since it depends on the person and how good is he in doing this.
Using it you will earn a lot of money and you will bank very easily.
I didn't try it since it's not applicable in my country, but I thought that I must share it for everyone because if it will not benefit me it will benefit others.
So here you go...

[Image: vW4PNEE.png]


Note: The post is locked only to reduce spam.


Enjoy Wink

★★★★ ►►► LEGIT CASH IN HANDS + Your Own Mastercard! ★★★★ ►►►

Tired of making tons of money online?
Ever wanted it in your hands? No Credit card or Bank Account? Heres the perfect ebook for you!

 Get your own Prepaid Mastercard + Cold Cash!

- Withdraw from ATM's
- Reloadable without Credit Card.
- No Limits!

You don't need:
- Drivers License
- Photo Identity
- Credit card to load money

Now you guys are wondering how? Its all in my ebook Smiling

[Awesome Leak][High Demand] Adsense Cash Revolution- Earn Upto $100+ A Day

(Tutorial) t0rrent Method ($100 a day)

This is the t0rrent method I used so far and made over $100 in a week. It includes t0rrent, brain and a CPA Network Smiling).

I just tested this t0rrent method and earned a whopping $60 in 4 days and in 5th I continue to make $50+. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Now on the method:

You need:
IMPremium CPA Network Account (lock your link)
Android Games Downloaded ( only a few)
PirateBay or similar account

Now, what you're going to do is very easy and new. Go to Piratebay and in ''top 100'' go to Android games. Download the ones that have the most seeders and leechers (4-5 games). Once you download them, in a notepad write Cheats for the game are here: ''your IMPremium link'' and save it as Cheats.txt. Now choose the one game you downloaded (example Need for Speed) and extract it from t0rrent.

Now what you need to do is create your t0rrent of the game -Need for speed in this case - and add a Cheats.txt. to it(you can easily create t0rrent with Bittorrent, check on Google how to do it), now save it all as ONE t0rrent and upload on Pirate Bay and similar t0rrent sites. Do this for the rest of the games you downloaded. And that's it.

Once a user from Piratebay downloads a Need for Speed game he will also download the ''cheats.txt'', where he can see the cheats for that game. Your t0rrent won't get deleted because you provide him with the game he wanted and cheats.txt is optional. (at least for them). Once a user sees a cheats text file that he downloaded together with game he will click on it and see your IMPremium link. One he clicks he'llbe redirected to IMPremium survey where you'll earn $$$. I'm currently using this method for a week and the results are great.

Why I'm using IMPremium ? Well, they have a link locker option and great affiliate managers. I've got approved in under 24 hours. My EPC is 0.15 which is more than other networks I've been, but it's all about testing.

Hope I've helped and please write if you have any query. Cool

[GET] MediaFire Template - Boost Your Conversions!

Hey everyone,
I'm sure some of you can find a use for this.

Video: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B30IirdL...ms5ZkdaLUU

Couple Screenshots:
[Image: iyAp9uz.jpg]

[Image: uR0cxxr.jpg]

It's edited so that it's easy to set it up with your file.
First unzip it and open the folder.
The folders inside of "Yoursite.com" are setup to look like media fire,
but if you want you can put the index file anywhere and it will still look right and load everything.
You can change the random code and the folder inside to match your niche.
To edit the actual html page, open it with with a text editor and search "YOURFILE" in all caps. Everywhere that needs to be replaced with your file name has that placeholder (12 in total). Just replace them, upload and you're good to go.

Virus Total:

Get the Template:
And the background for your content locker:

Now enjoy your earnings,

Merry Christmas Basket

[GET] CPA Income Boss (Start Generating Sales within 72 Hours!)

[Image: head.jpg]

"Started Generating Clicks, Impressions & Sales Within 72 HOURS"

[Image: proof21.png]





[Image: ONftRM8.jpg?1]

Sales Thread:

Download Link:

First two video downloads: http://ge.tt/45BaWwe1/v/0
Last video download: http://ge.tt/3iAFXwe1/v/0

The Ultimate PPD Tutorial [Make $70+/ every day]

How to find HOT niches:

First Way To Find Your Niche is YouTube.
Go to YouTube and at the left side find Trending. Click on Trending and find out what's hot on YouTube. Always when I'm searching for niche on YouTube I'm finding at least one hot trending niche/idea for me. So for example right now I can see that Halo 4 is pretty hot niche. You can check daily and once you see something that you think will bring you a lot of money, you should start promoting it instantly while it's hot.

Second Way To Find Your Niche is Google.
If you can't find your niche on Google then you're brainless. It's really simple, all that you need to do is to go to Google and search for upcoming movies, find hot movie that's incoming in the next few days and once you got your niche/idea/movie, start promoting it.

Third Way To Find Your Niche is Your Brain.
Yeah just use your brain, I'm pretty sure you're not brainless. Think what is worth to complete survey. Think what would you complete survey for. Simple as that, for example at the moment I think I would finish survey for Diablo III product key.

Examples of saturated niches:
- Facebook Password h@ck.
- Hotmail Password h@ck.
- Yahoo Password h@ck.

Examples of HOT niches:
- Diablo III product keys.
- Halo 4 cr@ck/Keys.
- Think with your brain.

So that's from me, as you can see it's pretty easy to find your niche/idea. Next thing that you'll need to do to monetize is to get some traffic to your niches. Follow my second tutorial on how to setup your niches.

How to set your niche up:

Found your niche already but you don't know how to setup? It's really easy just follow the few tips that I'll tell you and you'll be ready to promote your niche! This doesn't require you to spent a lot of time.

Setup your niche at blogspot.
First of all create your free account at Blogspot. After you created your free blogger account, click on create a blog button.

- Blog title: Make sure it looks good and catch on eye. Make sure all keywords are related to your niche.

- Blog address (URL): Make sure the name of your blog will be related to your niche. For example if your niche is for Wireless cr@ck your blogger name need to look like wirelesscrack. blog spot or something like that.

now click on Continue and select Simple as your main blogger template then click again Continue and finally click on Start Blogging. Once you're done you'll be redirected to create your first blogger post.

Okay so now you need to be really professional and make high quality post for your niche that will attract people to download your files. First of all, make sure you have an awesome title for your post. Good title example for Wireless cr@ck niche would be How To cr@ck Wireless - Works as of May 2012 bad title for your post would be free wireless cr@ck

Next thing that you need to do is your post. Make sure it will look very professional with every single detail related to your niche. Like when it was released, by who was released, how it works, how to download, why to download, why did you survey protect your file, how to setup, and everything as much as possible.

Useful tips to get more downloads:
Make sure you bold important things in your post.
Make sure you have good proof that your niche/file/ or what ever you offer is working.
Make sure you show them virus scan from VirusTotal.
Make sure you don't have grammar mistakes in your post.
Make sure you have awesome download button.

Once you're done with your post you're ready to design your blog. I recommend you to design your own logos for your blog > Design > Header > Edit > Upload Pic or URL, I recommend you to have white background or black background. To change your background you need to go to Design > Template Designer > Background > Upload White/Black pic.

Oh well, if you don't want to mess with designing you can just search on google and find awesome templates for blogger.

Example of websites that offer awesome blogger templates:

Once you download your blogger template just go to Template > Design > Edit HTML and upload your file.

How & where to promote your niche:

After you've found your niche and did full setup for your niche you're ready to promote your niche! There's a lot of ways to promote your niche. Remember that if you promote more you'll earn more. More traffic = more $$$.

Where To Promote?

- YouTube.
- Dailymotion.
- Metacafe.

- Facebook.
- Forums.
- Blogs.

Promoting via YouTube is really easy. All that you need to do is to record your screen with Camtasia, showing people how your niche works / how to download / virus scan. Make sure after you're done with your video your WATERMARK your video, means you add link from your website on your video so if someone re-uplooad your video your website will be still here and bring you traffic. I recommend you to upload up to three videos per YouTube account so you don't get banned.

Promoting via Dailymotion/Metacafe or any other video sharing site is same like YouTube. Just upload your videos to Dailymotion and Metacafe and read my YouTube tutorial again and do the same to your videos.

- Promoting via Forums is really boring but can bring you awesome targeted traffic! First of all you need to find forums related to your niche. Search on google for your niche + add forums. For example If my niche is Wireless cr@ck then I would search on google for Wireless Forums. Register on 5-6 forums and make new HQ threads explaining people how your program/niche works. Make sure your posts are HQ to avoid getting banned.

- Promoting via Blogs is very good to get HOT targeted traffic. How I'm doing this? Same like forums but instead of searching for forums on google i'm searching for blogs (blogspot)'s. Example if my niche is Wireless cr@ck then on google I'll search for Wireless cr@ck blogspot. In first search results few good ranked blogs will popup related to your niche. Open them and scroll down and find comments. In comments explain people that you're offering free "your niche" and give them link. Using this method I was generating around 200-300 visitors to my niche per day.

- Promoting via Facebook is very different. I have my own method of promoting but I'm not gonna tell it because it will get saturated. So to get some traffic related to your niche just go to facebook and search for fan pages related to your niche. Post your links in comments and on their fan page. I'm pretty sure you'll get some visitors. Do this every week.

PayPal Magnet v1.7 [Make over $50 an hour]